Legal Notices

This site is operated, under license, by:

Dave Boniface

Trading as: Campbells Pest Control

25 Sandown Close,
East Sussex,
BN23 8EF,
United Kingdom


Campbells Pest Control owns the copyright for all material displayed within this website, including and without limitation to text, images and all types of audio and visual media published on this site except for images and code obtained from affiliate schemes.

Campbells Pest Control grants you the right to view, copy and store this website in your web browser and to print the pages of this site for personal and non-commercial use. All other rights are reserved. You may not alter, publish or redistribute any part of this site without prior, written, consent from Campbells Pest Control.

Campbells Pest Control may prosecute, under UK law, any violation of these rights seeking monetary damages and/or injunctions to prohibit the further use of protected materials. You may also be ordered to pay the legal costs from any proceedings.

Copyright for the code to the website remains with Paul Verhulpen Web Solutions and no changes to the code, including and without limitation to, the editing, addition or removal of code may be performed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.